School Events

STUCO Executive Elections

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During the 45-minute community event schedule on Tuesday, May 3, the candidates for the executive STUCO positions took place. Among these candidates were freshman Andy Jeong and sophomore Yui Wai Yuen, who went head to head for the position of executive treasurer. However, after the votes were counted, Andy Jeong took the place.

All the other candidates ran uncontested. Lynn Maekawa, a current junior, will be the STUCO secretary next year; Sabrina Chen, sophomore, will be the vice president; and finally, Helen Liao, junior, will the the president for the High School Student Council.

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When asked why she chose to run for secretary, Lynn Maekawa replied, “I’ve been a secretary since 10th grade so I felt it would be appropriate for me to run for executive secretary as well. In 10th grade, when I ran for the first time, I ran for secretary because making notes and taking notes seems a fit for me.”

Additionally, when she was asked what it was about the student council that made her want to join, she said, “I wanted to be directly involved in the student events and be an active part of the student body.”

Although STUCO this year truly did a fantastic job, with such able and passionate executive representatives, surely the student council next year will do just as well, or possibly even better.

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