School Events

Survivor Week

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From May 9 through May 23 students competed in different activities to become the ultimate survivor and win the first place prize of being principal for half of a school day or runner-up prize of having Ms. Smith be a personal note taker for half of a day. The challenges consisted of activities such as obstacle relay races, puzzles, ping pong matches, twister, filling cups with water, and hugging a palm tree.

To start, the participants were split into two different tribes, Karakul and Barbado, and after each round, one member of the losing tribe would be voted out by their fellow tribe members and eliminated from the game.

I interviewed Mr. Bazinet to ask him how it went and he said, “The participants loved it. They enjoyed the activities although some were a bit bitter when they were eliminated but that is to be expected. All in all, I think the activities went well; however, I wish that more spectators would have come to watch.” Bazinet added, “I hope that it will continue next year.”

Bazinet also sadly said that he is “disappointed in the school for not having more school spirit. StuCo tries so hard to create school spirit but people are reluctant to engage in it. There are exceptions to this rule, but unfortunately this seems to apply to the majority.”

Picture by Hannah Eng
Picture by Hannah Eng

When I asked Nino Lee how he felt about winning survivor he said, “I have never been this happy in my life, but at the same time, I feel bad for the participants I voted out. I will make it up to them when I am the principal.”

Today, Friday, May 27, 10th grader Jae Min Kim has Ms. Smith following him around as his personal assistant and note taker. Next Monday, May 31, 11th grader Nino Lee will be the principal of AISG for half of the day. Everyone should be looking forward to the changes that will be made when Nino takes charge around here.

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