School Life

The Beacon is Back

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A new school year has begun at AISG. Returning students look around and see the familiar campus, friends, teachers, and some new faces. New students walk onto campus with a mix of nervousness and excitement at the thought of unfolding a new life here.

Along with the new year, AISG’s digital newspaper The Beacon is back to work. With the departure of our two previous editors-in-chief, Sara Q-F and Jacky Liu, three new editors-in-chief—Gabriel K., Prerna K., and Abby P.—have been appointed to lead The Beacon for 2018-2019. On behalf of all the writers and editors of The Beacon, we sincerely wish for the AISG community to read and support The Beacon this year.

FROM GABRIEL K: Last year, becoming a part of journalism was a fortune. Beginning as a student who did not know anything about The Beacon or journalism, I became fairly knowledgable about journalistic writing, running the gamut from writing more concisely to writing about politically sensitive issues without bias. I am proud to say that I have witnessed the growth of The Beacon—the number of reporters, published articles, and readers have all increased compared to two years ago. This year, as one of the editors-in-chief alongside Abby and Prerna, I am determined to effectively run The Beacon and produce more interesting, well-written articles. I hope our school’s students and faculty members will take the time to read our posts and learn about school & world news.

FROM PRERNA K: I joined journalism last year without knowing much about it and had the opportunity to watch it blossom and grow as a publication. I hope that this momentum continues and the Beacon can become the “go-to” place for students looking for information about school events, world news, and interesting articles. This year, as one of the editors-in-chief alongside Gabriel and Abby, I hope to see more engagement from students and faculty. With this new year come new changes, as well. We’re currently working on changing up the website to give The Beacon a fresh and new look. Continue checking the website because we’ll be showing you some options for the new design. Thank you for reading the Beacon!

FROM ABBY P: Last year, I was a late addition to journalism. I quickly grew to love the class and always looked forward to it. Being able to write helped me improve greatly. This year, as an editor-in-chief along with Gabriel and Prerna, I hope to increase the number of Beacon readers this year in addition to writing and editing. I cannot wait to help lead the Beacon and all of our new writers. I hope that this year, students at AISG will read The Beacon to get information about our school and read some of the wonderful articles our writers have created.

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