
The Popularity of Mobile Games

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Gaming has been popular in the world since the 1980s and mobile gaming has only started gaining popularity since the 2010s. Mobile gaming started in 1997 when Nokia launched the game Snake on their devices; over time, it has adapted and grown to fit the modern world. The mobile gaming community has gained a huge following since the popularization of smartphones and flat-screen tablets. Mobile games have become so popular due to them being portable, the games being cheap or free, and the massive amount of promotions they get on the internet.

This is the app icon of Candy Crush Saga

Mobile games are very convenient and can be played anywhere in the world. Currently, almost everyone in the world has a smartphone that could download millions of apps and thousands of games in seconds. People from all ages could be intrigued by mobile games due to the games being portable and addicting. Because your phone is always with you anywhere you go, nothing can stop you from being addicted to a game. A good example of this is the game Candy Crush Saga. Millions of adults around the world are addicted to it and have been giving the game tons of money to play more. Candy Crush has an average grossing of 1 million dollars from in-app purchases daily only from American users. In 2014, it was recorded that Candy Crush players from around the world have spent a total of 1.33 billion dollars on the game. The portability and accessibility of mobile games has made the games more addicting than any other types of video games.

This is the app icon of Clash Royale

Mobile games are also mostly free or very cheap to download, which makes the games more accessible for everyone from different social classes from around the world. Making the games free is also a marketing ability that makes the app earn more money than having people be charged more money to play the game. Due to the games being free, more people play and because of a large number of players, there is more competition between the players, which leads up to people charging money to buy in-game items to have an edge against other players. A good example of this type of game is Clash Royale. Clash Royale allows the players to charge money to buy chests that make your cards stronger so you can get a big edge when you play against other players. This encourages a big majority of the players to spend money on the game so they can be on top of other players.

This is the app icon of Mobile Strike

Many advertisements on the internet today are about mobile games. No matter what popular site you go to, there will always be at least one advertisement for a mobile game. According to eMarketer, “approximately 65% of our total online time is spent on smartphones and tablets.” This makes advertising for a mobile game more effective than an advertisement for a console or PC game. 35% of our time on a mobile device is spent on games. Most mobile game ads usually include a very influential or famous person telling you to join them in the game while the game in the advertisement looks nothing like the actual game. Mobile Strike’s commercial follows the example very well and it is doing great with daily earning about 1 million dollars worldwide. The advertisement business is being globally shaken up by the rise of mobile gaming around the world.

The gaming world has been changed by mobile games due to them being very convenient to play, the games being free or cheap, and them being heavily advertised worldwide. In the future, mobile games will be leading the gaming world and phones will be the only device that we need to satisfy our gaming needs. The huge popularity of mobile games has dragged lots of adults into the gaming scene and it has helps them understand children more. In conclusion, the rising popularity of mobile gaming will change the way people look at their smartphones and affect the world in both positive and negative ways.

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