China News

The Shanghai Lockdown and its Never Ending Restrictions

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Shanghai went into an immediate city-wide lockdown and came up with the zero-Covid policy on April 4, 2022. So many things have happened in Shanghai since the lockdown, such as people being deprived of food and water, people being denied access to medical care, people locked inside their homes, and other similar cases. One’s daily life in Shanghai could include shopping, going to restaurants, and meeting friends whereas one’s daily life now is going out to get Covid tests, foraging food, and having trouble by just trying to go out to walk their dog.

“Shanghai is more than a couple of nice restaurants and buildings,” said Brooklynn E. Junior. ” When thinking about Shanghai the first thing to think is Shanghai having beautiful restaurants and beautiful scenery but now the first thought that comes to mind is how harsh the lockdown has been for everyone.”


Residents of Shanghai, caught in lockdown, share the same perspective on the situation they find themselves in: anger. A city that was once known for being lively and carefree now resembles a ghost town.

“I feel like this situation feels a little out of control,” said Cata V. Grade 11 student, a resident of Shanghai. “Shanghai just won’t feel the same as it ever was.”

Image taken from SupChina

The Shanghai lockdown has been rough both on mental and physical health. Those in lockdown haven’t seen their friends in 60 days, which harms their mental health. The only time people are allowed outside of their apartments is when they go to line up for a Covid test, which harms their physical health.

Some of the tips that have helped many people get through this long and hard lockdown are to keep your head up, give yourself time to adjust to the lockdown, take breaks throughout the day, even if it’s just going and getting a snack, and to remember you’re not in this lockdown alone.

“I’ve realized how much I’ve taken for granted being outside,” said Saleem E. Senior, a resident of Shanghai.

Image taken from The Globe and Mail

Overall, this lockdown has taken a toll on everyone’s health and/or mental health. Let’s hope that Shanghai goes back to normal soon!

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