School Events

Veggies Really Are Edgy

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Starting Thursday, March 3 and lasting until April 13, students who eat a vegetarian meal at lunch can earn raffle tickets and a chance to win a Starbucks gift card. This project, called Veggie is Edgy, is promoting vegetarianism and the impacts it can have on both animals and the environment. This project is run by a collaboration between Roots and Shoots Animals and Roots and Shoots Environment.

Each day, in the cafeteria, a representative from the community service group is seated at a table with a large green poster reading “Veggie is Edgy”. Students who eat a meatless lunch that day are rewarded with a free raffle ticket. The more vegetarian meals eaten, the more raffle tickets earned, which means a greater chance of winning the gift card to Starbucks!

Vegetarianism is growing in popularity in today’s society. Many people are realising that not eating meat benefits animals, then environment, and even their health. While meat is often seen as a necessary source of protein, there are many other ways in which protein can be obtained.

For example, beans provide protein, along with certain legumes and other vegetables. However, for those who choose to adopt the meatless lifestyle, but are not willing to completely cut meat out of their lives, other options are available.

Pescatarianism is a form of vegetarianism in which the person eats no meat aside from fish. Fish is a great supplier of Omega 3 and many other vitamins and minerals essential for humans to function, which is part of the reason that many choose this path. Pescatarianism is also gaining popularity.

Hopefully, the Veggie is Edgy project helps promote vegetarianism to students at AISG and helps students understand the reality of the benefits of that lifestyle.

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