China News

“Winter” Weather Descends on Guangzhou Out of Nowhere

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Break out your sweaters, hoodies, and jackets: cooler weather has finally arrived in Guangzhou. The past few weeks have been noticeably cooler, but this week temperatures are set to plunge into the single digits.

This week will see temperatures in the low teens, with a chance of rain Thursday.  By Friday, temperatures will dip as low as nine degrees and will get down to a frigid four degrees on Sunday.

For most of us, colder temperatures are not welcome as we are used to the normally hot and humid weather of South China. However, there are some who like the cold and can be seen around town in T-shirts and shorts, even when it feels like it might snow anytime soon.

“I think the cold is pretty nice, especially because Guangzhou is humid most of the time,” said Lihn T., a senior at AISG.

 “The change was so abrupt that sometimes it’s difficult to enjoy the cold instead of being shocked by it,” said Sydney T., a senior at AISG.

However, there are some who like the cold and can be seen around town in T-shirts and shorts, even when it feels like it might snow anytime soon.

For those of us who like working out, you should be careful doing so when it gets cold. Cold air narrows the blood vessels and makes it harder to breathe. What’s more, cold air is normally dry air, which can lead to coughing and chapped skin and lips.

So if you plan on heading out this coming weekend, make sure you bundle up and stay hydrated. But don’t worry if you hate the cold: temperatures warm up as soon as February! 

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